This web site and all its contents: photos, offers, etc., exclusively belong to Even Crew / Vertical Horizon.
You are allowed to store the contents for a personal use only, not for commercial use.
You may suggest directs links from and to this website.
Any other use, reproduction, modification of the contents (texts and photos) is forbidden without the agreement of Even Crew / Vertical Horizon.
The website is operated by Cédric BRUN – EVEN CREW (RCS - Toulon).
Head office 1264 route de la Madrague - Giens - 83400 HYERES
SIRET: 53363142000015
Publication Director: Cédric BRUN
Site design and contents: In’édit Communication
Development : Dobeuliou Création
©Photos : Cédric BRUN
Webmaster : Cédric BRUN
Hosting: NFRANCE - site internet :